
IWC Investment Partners A/S (“IWC IP”) has established a whistleblower system to ensure confidential access to the top management in the company. The whistleblower system is managed by the Compliance Officer or the Chairman of the Board of Directors, if the reported issue is about the Compliance Officer.

In the whistleblower system any person associated with IWC IP (including employees, board members, clients and suppliers) have the possibility to report cases where there are serious issues or suspected serious issues that might materially affect IWC IP or the life or health of individuals. This might be the case on suspicion of serious economic crimes, including bribery, fraud, forgery and the like. Other examples of cases might be environmental pollution, serious breaches of work safety as well as serious circumstances that targets an employee, for example violence or sexual assault. Furthermore, IWC IP employees may report concerns about violations or suspected violations of law or regulations within the financial sector.

Less serious issues can not be reported; for example the case of bullying, absenteeism, dissatisfaction with salary, difficulties collaborating, violations of smoking or alcohol policies cannot be reported in the whistleblower system but should be reported through the normal channels (i.e. to the management).

The violation or supected violation must be performed by persons associated with IWC IP, including employees, board members, auditors, lawyers, suppliers and sub-suppliers that are performing services on behalf of IWC IP (e.g. outsourced activities).

The internet address for IWC IP’s external whistleblower portal is: https://iwc.whistleblowernetwork.net