About AM+
Asset Management + (AM+) is a fund and separate account manager specialized in offering tailor-made investments in timberland and carbon forestry assets in mature markets – in particular within core timberland regions in Europe, USA, Australia and New Zealand. We only invest in regions where we have local presence.
AM+ builds on 30+ years of direct timberland investment expertise anchored in fully integrated inhouse investment and asset management teams. Our business model is proven and comprising origination and investment selection; structuring and de-risking; and long-term asset optimization of small to large scale and complex timberland investment projects.
In AM+, we embrace the potential to grow a better future, while we build value for our investors, local communities, and future generations.
(*) Registration with the SEC as an investment adviser should not be construed to imply that the SEC has approved or endorsed any IWC Investment Partners company’s qualifications or the services it offers or that any IWC Investment Partners company or its personnel possess a particular level of skill, expertise, or training.
Active part of global forest investments since 1991
Strong staff credentials via USD 20bn+ exposure to timberland investments in past decades
Prioritizing ESG integration and involvement in taxonomy development
Institutional quality investment management via Danish FSA and US SEC regulated platform (*)
Risk mitigation through high conviction Fundamental core timberland investment approach and local presence at investment destinations
Endorsing only select Core carbon schemes and in-house carbon staff
Active investment destinations
The map shows our investment regions and office locations.

Investment philosophy
Pillars of our investment philosophy supported by our investment beliefs.
Encompasses our timberland investment approach and desired asset traits sought within USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe to deliver low risk predictable investment outcome.
Is the collection of carbon schemes that we endorse and which support our low-risk investment philosophy.
Adapt and match investment setup to investor requirements and investors internal resources.
The “+” reflects optionality for our investors to utilize us to bridge the gap between their resources and those needed to acquire, own, and operate an institutional class timberland investment. I.e. AM+ role can be full-service timberland investment manager or advisory.
Is an instrumental part of our investment approach and duty to our clients. We stay on the forefront of the ESG space by continuously evolving based on our learnings as well as improving market practices and changing regulatory environments within the regions we invest.
We monitor and disclose relevant sustainability and climate indicators, e.g. in accordance with Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”) and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”). Additional UN Sustainable Development Goals (“SDG”).
We are strong believers in the benefits of third-party property management and use of ad hoc independent expertise.
In our mature investment destinations high quality property managers are easily and cost effectively accessible, it is our selection of and interaction with them creates investment value.
AM+ team
The AM+ team has long industry tenure and is built on experienced investment professionals with complementing backgrounds from forestry operations, analysis, transaction, investment and asset management as well as carbon and ESG overlays.
Past experiences have covered $20bn+ exposure within the timberland investment industry.
The team operates locally in our targeted investment geographies. Local teams all have valuable on the ground forestry backgrounds ensuring important understanding and responsibility in the transactional and operational execution.
To learn more about the full team, please visit IWC’s Team page.
AM+ director group
The managing principals have a proven track record of investment execution in the timberland investment sector as well as M&A and private equity sector.
Alongside the managing principals, the principal group includes principals with many years of industry, investment & asset management and manager selection experience in addition to hands-on timberland property management.
Our history
IWC’s direct timberland investment management has existed since inception 1991. In 2018 the direct management was re-grouped around the current investment team and in 2021 changed name to Asset Management + (‘AM+’).
Based on team members experiences with manager selection and oversight of investments on behalf of institutional investors, decades of interaction with sophisticated timberland investors, as well as a general continuing disconnect between return and management fee levels, and inability of the industry to accommodate increasing transparency and alignment requirements of investors, AM+ principals sought to disrupt the industry by seeking to offer the true timberland investment characteristics (low volatility, inflation hedge, …) in a cost-effective offering tailormade to the individual investor.
In defining the investment universe to achieve disruption, AM+ has high conviction in Fundamental Core Timberland and Core Carbon Schemes.
From the outset, AM+ has and will maintain and build local presence in our investment regions.
The asset management + concept, whereby we see investors as unique, allows us to adapt structure, strategy, discretion, administration etc. to continuously adapt to investor requirements.