Key facts

  • Over 30 years’ experience

  • Hands-on forestry and agriculture experts

  • USD 6 billion of assets under management or advice

  • Comprehensive proprietary database

  • Tried and tested investment process

  • UN PRI signatory; member of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC); participant in PEFC’s stakeholder consultation forum; member of DanSIF (Danish Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment); member of the TNFD Forum (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures).

IWC Group

The IWC Group is a leading natural resources investment expert with deep experience in global timberland, agriculture, and responsible investment, providing diversification, inflation hedge, and capital appreciation investment opportunities to institutional investors.

With more than three decades of experience in these sectors, the IWC Group currently oversees over USD 5.7 billion of institutional mandates dedicated to timberland investment programs worldwide. Investments have generally been made through primary funds, co-investments, secondaries, and separate accounts. For more information about timberland, please visit our Timberland page.

In 2017, the Group decided to grow its portfolio of services and to include agriculture as an asset class. For more information about agriculture, please visit our Agriculture page.

IWC has two main business areas: Asset management (integrated natural resources investment solutions and services) and Alternative Investments (integrated natural resources investment management, advice and discretionary portfolio management services). For more information about IWC’s  structure and compliance, please visit our Structure & Compliance page.

In September 2023, BNP Paribas Asset Management (“BNPP AM”) acquired a majority stake in our company with the ambition to grow the nature-based solutions universe together. Both companies share a common vision of fiduciary duty and active contribution to the transition to a sustainable world. Press release by BNPP AM is linked here.

IWC Global Footprint

Map over IWC's investments in the world – IWC global footprint

Key Milestones

2023 – Acquisition of a majority stake by BNP Paribas Asset Management

IWC becomes a member of BNP Paribas Asset Management private assets family.

2017 – SEC Registration

IWC Investment Partners A/S registered as an investment adviser under the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

2017 – Agriculture Investments

IWC’s agriculture investment team was established via signing a cooperation agreement with AG-Advice ApS.

2016 – AIFM License

IWC Investment Partners Fondsmæglerselskab A/S changed its name to IWC Investment Partners A/S and was licensed as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager.

2014 – Fund of Funds Final Closing & AIFM Registration

Final closing of IWC Timberland Partners I K/S, a global private timberland fund of funds. International Woodland Company A/S is registered with the Danish FSA as AIFM.

2012 – First Co-Investment

Also, the Group establishes  IWC Investment Partners Fondsmæglerselskab A/S – a licensed investment firm under the supervision of the Danish FSA.

2002 – First Secondary Investment

1998 – First Primary Fund Investment

First investment with an American manager. Also, first investment outside of Europe.

1991 – IWC Establishment

2 Danish institutional investors create IWC to invest in forestry. Otto Reventlow is appointed CEO.